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®[PUTLOCKER> Watch Fortuna oNlInE ⚒2018⚒ FULL. MOVIE

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Fortuna (2018)

Release : 2018-09-19
Genre : Drama
Runtime : 106 minutes
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Company :
Cast : Kidist Siyum, Bruno Ganz, Patrick d'Assumçao, Yoann Blanc

Fortuna, a 14-year-old Ethiopian girl, has had no news of her parents since they crossed the Mediterranean Sea. Together with other refugees, she is given shelter for the winter in a Swiss catholic monastery. While she waits for her fate to be decided by the Swiss authorities, Fortuna finds out she is pregnant. The choice she will have to make and the arrival of the refugees will give rise to concern within the religious community and will challenge their concept of Christian charity.

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