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Gangster Definition of Gangster by MerriamWebsterWhat is the history of the word gangster Gangster came into the English language at the latter portion of the 19th century as one of what is now a large parcel of words which have been formed by adding the noun combining form –ster to an existing wordGangster WikipediaA gangster is a criminal who is a member of a gangs are considered to be part of organized rs are also called mobsters a term derived from mob and the suffixsterGangster definition of gangster by The Free DictionaryHes been going to the movies too much and thinks every man who has had his trousers pressed is a social gangsterUrban Dictionary GangsterThere are two types of gangster 1 A wannabe thug often illiterate and an inhabitant of a downtrodden ghetto that hangs around in gangs largely associated with the AfricanAmerican subcultureGangster Define Gangster at What Nucky Johnson was not was a gangster though he did go to prison for a short stint like Al Capone for tax evasionGangster Games Play Gangster Games on Gangsters mobsters and godfathers Fighting with the police and intense shootouts Sounds like fun right Pick a game and play gangster games online at Goodgame GangsterIn Goodgame Gangster youll live the life of a gangster in a big city Do missions for the godfather and duel with other players from all over the worldGangster A free Multiplayer Game Play Free Online GamesStart your career in the criminal underworld and rise to become a master Mafioso Do missions for the Godfather and his family to gain levels access better items for missions and gain rewards As you work your way up through the ranks you can establish your own crime family and team up with other players in take them outgangster Definition History Photos Gangster History of professional criminals known as gangsters The main lasting effect of the Prohibition Era on gang activity was the development of more highly centralized and better disciplined criminal organizations sometimes called syndicatesGangster 2006 film WikipediaGangster is a 2006 Indian romantic thriller film It released on 28 April It stars Emraan Hashmi Kangana Ranaut and Shiney plot is that a bar girl who falls in love with two people one a layman and the other a gangster
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