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.!((W A T C H))!. ©720p! ** Antonio Gaudí* ⚒1961️ © mOViE. OnLine fUlL

Watch Antonio Gaudí (1961) Full Movie and Get Access. Antonio Gaudí can be watch for free registering. Streaming Antonio Gaudí with 720p Quality.
Antonio Gaudí

Watch Antonio Gaudí Online Streaming

Antonio Gaudí (1961)

Release : 1961-03-12
Genre : TV Movie, Documentary
Runtime : 15 minutes
Home Page :
Company : British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC)
Cast : Huw Wheldon, ,

A study of Antoni Gaudí's architecture (especially the Church of the Holy Trinity in Barcelona), his sources of inspiration and his influence on Picasso. (BFI)

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Antonio Gaudí

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Antoni Gaudí Wikipedia Biography Birth childhood and studies Antoni Gaudi was born in 1852 in Riudoms or Reus to the coppersmith Francesc Gaudí i Serra 1813–1906 and Antònia Cornet i Bertran 1819–1876 He was the youngest of five children of whom three survived to hood Rosa 1844–1879 Francesc 1851–1876 and Antoni Antoni Gaudí Spanish architect Antoni Gaudí Antoni Gaudí Catalan architect whose distinctive style is characterized by freedom of form voluptuous colour and texture and organic unity Gaudí worked almost entirely in or near Barcelona Much of his career was occupied with the construction of the Expiatory Temple of the Holy Family Antoni Gaudí Works Facts Death Biography Antoni Gaudí was a Barcelonabased Spanish architect whose freeflowing works were greatly influenced by nature Antoni Gaudí — Wikipédia Antoni Gaudí est né en 1852 dun père industriel chaudronnier Francesc Gaudí i Serra 18131906 et dAntónia Cornet i Bertran 18191876 Antoni Gaudí Wikipedia Antoni Gaudí i Cornet Reus 25 giugno 1852 – Barcellona 10 giugno 1926 è stato un architetto spagnolo Fu il massimo esponente del modernismo catalano pur essendo la personalità meno organica a tale movimento artistico di cui comunque condivideva i presupposti ideologici e tematici completandoli però con una ispirazione personale basata principalmente su forme naturali che giunse Antoni Gaudí Wikipedia Antoni Gaudí i Cornet Reus of Riudoms 25 juni 1852 – Barcelona 10 juni 1926 was een Catalaanse ontwierp rond 1900 markante gebouwen en objecten vooral in Barcelona waarvan de Sagrada Família het bekendste is Hij wordt beschouwd als een grondlegger van de organische werk valt onder de art nouveau Catalonië is deze stijl het Catalaans Antoni Gaudi Facts and Information Primary Facts Antoni Gaudi was born on 25th June 1852 in Reus Catalonia Spain His father was a boilermaker Gaudi spent a great deal of time outdoors He was fascinated by nature and when he was 27 he joined the Centre Excursionista de Catalunya – a group of people who explored the countryside of Catalonia and France Biografía de Antoni Gaudí Todos los detalles Casa Batlló Antoni Gaudí i Cornet fue un arquitecto catalán que ha sido reconocido internacionalmente como uno de los expertos más prodigiosos de su disciplina además de uno de los máximos exponentes del modernismo Su genialidad excepcionalmente rompedora fue artífice de un lenguaje arquitectónico único personal e incomparable dificil de etiquetar List of Gaudí buildings Wikipedia Antoni Gaudí was an architect from Catalonia Spain who belonged to the Modernisme Art Nouveau was famous for his unique style and highly individualistic designs As an architecture student at the Escola Tècnica Superior dArquitectura in Barcelona from 1873 to 1877 Gaudí achieved only mediocre grades but he did well in his trial drawings and projects Antoni Gaudí – Wikipedia wolna encyklopedia Antoni Plàcid Guillem Gaudí i Cornet ur25 czerwca 1852 w Reus zm 10 czerwca 1926 w Barcelonie – kataloński architekt i inżynier secesyjny słynący z wyjątkowych projektów tercjarz franciszkański Sługa Boży Kościoła katolickiego


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